Is Pinterest Changing Home Design?

Some time ago (pre-COVID), I attended a presentation by the editor-in-chief of Dwell magazine on color trends through the decades. I’d say the upshot was that color trends come and go, but white kitchens never really go out of style. But what really struck me was the presenter’s take on home design in the 21st […]
Need It? No. Want It? Yes!

We always say, “Details make the difference.” And in a bathroom, those details make the difference between a functional but boring utility space, or a comfortable and luxurious room to relax and pamper yourself. We’re always mindful of our clients’ budgets, and we won’t push unnecessary features that are going to break the bank, but […]
A Question of Privacy

We learn a lot about people when we redesign their bathrooms. Sometimes too much! Like doctors and priests, we swear ourselves to confidentiality — but that doesn’t mean we can’t share tips on how to design your bathroom to best meet your personal privacy needs. Privacy issues are central to bathrooms, so we start each […]
Staring at Your Walls? Then Make Them Beautiful!

If you’ve been spending extra time at home and find yourself staring at the walls of your house … then you’ve probably realized that those walls need some work! Fortunately, that’s the kind of design project that’s easy to tackle without the help of a professional contractor. There are lots of do-it-yourself options to change […]
2020’s Colors of the Year Come Roaring In

They show up earlier and earlier every year! No, we’re not talking about holiday decorations in retail stores, or next year’s new-model cars. What we’re noticing is how paint manufacturers and color experts have been trying to get the jump on each other by introducing their “Color of the Year” long before the end of […]